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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Look Back at the "Old" Stuff

Fruitcake for Iraq (Gift of Democracy)
30" x 30" - Oil, acrylic, metal-leaf, and collage on canvas.
Looking at some past work from my website Seems like it's been years since the U.S invaded Iraq- And yes, it has been years since Rumsfeld's "shock and awe" campaign in Iraq where at some point he uttered "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months." Uh, yeah. Can you say V-I-E-T-N-A-M. Anyway, here are a few of my pieces about the war since it started in 2003.

Building Democracy 
"18 1/2 " x 24 1/2" - Acrylic and collage on canvas
Democracy in Action 
35" x 45" - Mixed media on panel.

Spread of Democracy
27 1/2 " x 33 3/4" - Mixed media on panel.

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